Pure and Dynamic, wrapping in a white crust, the embodied composition of what is being depicted as calm and healing in the users mind, had molded the main concept of ‘Zafar’ dental office; A 80 square meter clinic in “Dastgerdy” avenue which was finalized in four non-consecutive months.
The primary priority of this project was to create an environment that awake the feeling of cleanliness and relaxation and avoid lethargy and inertia. The process began with elimination of walls and existing partitions, and adjustment of the additional white membrane. A cover which enfolds the entire area, visualizing the elements as if they were being painted on a canvas. The design geometry has utilized a similar pattern to form the details, from incisions of lighting in the ceiling to forms that have descended to shaped the furniture, all express a similar approach toward design. Soft horizontal curves on the side walls would induce a feeling of fluid motion since the pause in the entrance. They would also form the ledges, waiting room furniture and reception counter with a slight continuous twist. The sequential metamorphosis of these curves, whether carved on the walls or extruded solids, would illustrate an exuberant visual composition for the observer; what has been perceived as an individual linear element in the entrance earlier, have been developed to a wavy object later in the waiting room. Shelves, partitions and other fixtures are all combined as a whole, following the fundamentals of the stripped geometry. This approach has gone as far as detailing the pattern on the air conditioner panel, not to leave any part abandoned.
Limited ceiling height and smallness of the space has been concealed through the whiteness of the walls and the neutral grey of horizontal stripes to allow the user a better sense of the space. In the waiting room, a gradient of neutral colors has been logically chosen to embed a better color contrast with the presence of the patients. This visual silence has been brought to the surgery with a fresh and soothing green.A soft touch of life in form of plants has helped to improve the quality of the interior air purity.