The circular theatre is the host of the acrobatic show “Le Rêve: A small collection of imperfect dreams” by the renowned creative director Franco Dragone. The show is performed in a basin of water instead of a stage and the whole audio, video, lighting and rigging systems are designed to take advantage of the full circle view of the artists. The proximity of the water basin, with no seat more than 42 feet away, and the ring-shaped theatre draw in the audience, emerging them into the show.
The building consists of a circular surface of 180 feet in diameter.
The immense dome ceiling above the audience is equipped with 6 large rear projection screens.
The central water basin is 70 feet wide with 3 entries for the artists from the vomitories.
Lighting and water features rise from the depths of the basin to a height of 20,6 feet above the water level.
An infinite variety of theatrical special effects are made possible by the impressive theatre technology:
- stage lifts equipped with turntables
- water effect created by powerful water pumps
- flying man tracks
- carrousel hanging at roof
- underwater lighting.
Design of the theatre including architecture, staging-design and interior design
Design of technical infrastructures and stage equipment systems
3D animation
Follow up relating to theatre design and stage equipment systems