The National World War I and World War II Memorials will be located on
the Rond Terraces, overlooking Lake Burley Griffin at the foot of Anzac
Parade. The site is on the primary ceremonial and symbolic axis of
Canberra, known as the Land Axis, originally conceived by Walter Burley
Griffin, the city's famous designer. This is a site of national
significance and the Memorials are intended to be world class.
The Memorials will reflect the spirit of the Australian nation. They
will honour the sacrifice of more than 101,000 Australians who died,
leaving an enduring legacy for those who served and those who supported
on the home front. There is always no greater tragedy than War. War is transcendent, it destroys. Age and age it engulfs, conditioning the times that follows.Which War impacted more, one may ask? Either, neither, the act itself leaves a mark.The Memorials embraces the Griffin legacy of fluidity, but, touched by the impact of War. What we lost in theWar will not be lost within our memories. The rising of the sun touches the World War I, and with the dawning of the new age the World War II went by.Three parcels for each memorial. All who see will encounter the memories of War to War. All who reflect, embraces.We know, the men’s hopes for Australia continue on.We capture them, we commemorate them.The Air, Ground, Water, all with the highest salutation