Christian Taeubert
Founder of 过半儿guò bàn er Dipl.-Ing.
Christian qualified from the Architecture Faculty at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany, where he was a scholar in the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. His three-year-long carpentry training complements Christian’s work as an architect. In 2005 he moved to Beijing.
Christian has developed a clear understanding of design outcomes within the given budget while overseeing numerous project deliveries. Christian has over 20 years of cross-sector experience and has successfully delivered lifestyle, mixed-use, and commercial projects through his people-oriented design philosophy. As Co-Founding Partner of Clou Architects, Beijing Christian contributed to the practice from 2016 until 2019. With his clear focus on lifestyle-infused projects, Christian has since collaborated with his wife Sun Min at 过半儿guò bàn er.
Christian has lived across Europe, the United States, and China, working at such architecture offices as Morphosis, The Next Enterprise, Plasma Studio, MAD, Graft, Alsop, and Spark Architects.
孙敏,Sammy创始人过半儿 guò bàn er独立服装设计师
Sammy 在2014年创立了独立设计师服装品牌 UZOMIN,2020年更名为 '过半儿 guò bàn er collection'。创始人 Sammy(孙敏)拥有近20年丰富的设计从业经历,她擅长对面料、肌理进行试验,注重剪裁细节。
创立自己的品牌之前 Sammy 曾为戏剧、舞台剧设计服装与造型,其间对剧本故事性的深入思考、对角色个性特征的揣摩,以及对空间的环境与氛围的整体把握的这个过程为此后 '过半儿 guò bàn er collection' 多角度、多面性的创意风格打下坚实的基础。
'过半儿 guò bàn er collection' 的设计源于生活、回归生活。生活所包含的“故事性”永远是 Sammy 取之不尽的创作养料,也是品牌灵魂的发源地带。真正将烟火气息糅杂进针脚、面料里,成为你衣柜里“洗了又洗、穿了又穿”的存在。