Refik Anadol Studio was commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic to help them celebrate their history and explore their future as a highlight of their centennial celebration. Using machine learning algorithms, Anadol and his team developed a unique machine intelligence approach to the LA Phil digital archives – 45 terabytes of data. The results are stunning visualizations for WDCH Dreams, a project that was both a week-long public art installation projected onto the building’s exterior skin and a season-long immersive exhibition inside the Ira Gershwin Gallery.
To make Walt Disney Concert Hall “dream,” Anadol utilized a creative, computerized “mind” to mimic how humans dream – by processing memories to form a new combination of images and ideas. The files were parsed into millions of data points that were then categorized by hundreds of attributes by deep neural networks with the capacity to both remember the totality of the LA Phil’s “memories” and create new connections between them. This results in something new in image and sound by awakening the metaphorical “consciousness” of Walt Disney Concert Hall. The result is a radical visualization of the organization’s first century and an exploration of synergies between art and technology, architecture and institutional memory.
To actualize this vision, Anadol employed 42 large scale projectors, with 50K visual resolution, 8-channel sound, and 1.2M luminance in total. The resulting patterns, or “data sculptures” formed by the machine’s interpretation of the archives were displayed directly onto the undulating stainless-steel exterior of Walt Disney Concert Hall.
The true innovation and merit of this project lies in its groundbreaking use of digitized memories as material and machine intelligence as artistic collaborator, awakening the metaphorical consciousness of WDCH. Machine intelligence sets architecture in motion, creates synergistic symphonies, and collaborates with us to find new meaning in our memories.
Credits: Kenric McDowell Google Artists and Machine Intelligence, Kyle McLean , Efsun Erkilic Refik Anadol Studio, Yusuf Emre Kucur , Gohkan Dogan , Ho Man Leung Refik Anadol Studio, Nate Mohler Refik Anadol Studio, Refik Anadol Refik Anadol Studio, Robert Thomas , AnalogNative, Carrie He Refik Anadol Studio, Christina Moushoul Refik Anadol Studio, David Gann , Kian Khiaban Refik Anadol Studio, schnellebuntebilder, Parag Mital , Ross Goodwin Google Artists and Machine Intelligence, Bahadir Dagdelen , Toby Heinemann Refik Anadol Studio, Kerim Karaoglu , Adam Roberts , Nicholas Boss Refik Anadol Studio, Raman Mustafa Refik Anadol Studio
- schnellebuntebilder
- Refik Anadol Studio - Senior Designer - Raman Mustafa
- Parag Mital
- Refik Anadol Studio - Generative Designer - Toby Heinemann
- Refik Anadol Studio - Director - Refik Anadol
- Adam Roberts
- Kyle McLean
- Refik Anadol Studio - Producer - Efsun Erkilic
- David Gann
- Refik Anadol Studio - Designer - Ho Man Leung
- Google Artists and Machine Intelligence - Kenric McDowell
- Refik Anadol Studio - Designer / Production Manager - Christina Moushoul
- Refik Anadol Studio - Data Scientist - Nicholas Boss
- Sound Designer - Robert Thomas
- Yusuf Emre Kucur
- Sound Designer - Kerim Karaoglu
- Google Artists and Machine Intelligence - Ross Goodwin
- AnalogNative
- Bahadir Dagdelen
- Gohkan Dogan
- Refik Anadol Studio - Designer - Nate Mohler
- Refik Anadol Studio - Designer - Kian Khiaban
- Refik Anadol Studio - Designer - Carrie He