Waterakkers, Breda; The Netherlands
Waterakkers Breda is a park located between the residential area’s Bouverijen en Waterdonken. The park is a recreational space binding these new area’s. It is located on a boundary of an upper and a lower polder and is part of the sustainable water management of this environment.
Different (screw) pumping stations, dams and other works are designed as an integrated and coherent whole with an eye for sustainability and ecology. The water is as far as possible made visible or marked. The running water is used as a starting point in the design of all the horizontal planes, for example, in gutters and outlet openings. For the vertical striping the swaying reeds is used as a reference.
The designed objects, a water plaza, water troughs, screw pumps, bat cave and swallow wall are all designed as a part of the landscape and for the operation of the water park. There are educational parts designed to inform the working of the waterpark to the visiting people.
In the water storerooms are embankments made, designed as “redouts” that refer to the history of the 80-year war when Breda was besieged by the Spaniards. The “redouts” are designed as green earth mounds in the water as a reference to the history of the Netherlands of the 16th century.