The American Southwest is the site of one of the nation’s
most unusual contradictions. It is both the driest region and home to the most
rapidly increasing populations. More specifically, the Colorado River Water
Basin remains a site for some of the country’s most ambitious 20th
Century infrastructure interventions including dams, aqueducts, water banks,
and canals. This region, once again, is the site of intense debate on how to
address an increasingly fragile ecology, and a complex economy of agriculture
and tourism that relies upon this ecology. There are plans in place to manage the
Imperial Valley and terminal Salton Sea, but these plans miss an
infrastructural opportunity. We see this opportunity as a chance to introduce
an infrastructure that is incremental and allows for a coupling of production systems,
vibrant cultures, and threatened ecosystems. The Salton offers an ideal case
study for America to demonstrate the potential of working public architecture
Our proposal aims to create
working public architecture that operates at a very large regional scale,
though it employs micro-scale, incremental soft infrastructure. The Salton Sea
edge is populated by three primary new marina cities that center on the site as
productive, recreational, and wild. Within the sea itself, are deployable
buoyant pools that maintain different levels of salinity to encourage a range
of applications from recreation to harvest. Among other attributes, the pools
are equipped to passively separate water and salt, generating a regional water
(and salt) economy. Our vision is for a WPA 2.0, unlike WPA 1.0, that allows for
infrastructure to behave as an ecosystem; it can grow, shrink, change
priorities, feed, protect, and cultivate new species.