by the movement and dynamics of skiing, our proposal resembles a
spinning portal, generating a dramatic horizontal dimension.The
scheme is proposed to be constructed using common timber pallets
assembled in a dynamic sequence. The pallets are fixed onto a series of
timber glulam structures creating the spiral facade of the hut. An inner
translucent polycarbonate skin is then introduced to offer wind
protection while ensuring filtered light into the hut.
kaleidoscope seeks to provide users with new perceptions as the
environment changes with time. Travelling into the spiral, visitors are
greeted with a surreal vision of the Assiniboine Credit Union river
trail. The use of multi image fresnel lens at the north end visually
transport visitors to an imaginary snowscape. Gazing into the lens under
the warm glow from the hut, The kaleidoscope aims to be a special place
of warmth, intimacy, discovery and imagination.
Design Team
Architecture: Jackson Tan ( in square lab )
Ernest Tsui ( in square lab )
Teresa Yeh ( in square lab )
Structural Engineer: Billy Pang ( Pang & Chiu )
Environmental Engineer: Jin Lu