The question is how to create something that is at once aspirational, welcoming, contemporary, elegant and authentically about place.
Waharoa has to be elegant and beautiful. It must express a universal beauty in its line and form.
How should it speak about its context, its connection and New Zealand?
The belief was that it should be founded on something fundamental and unique to the story of New Zealand.
The creation myth of New Zealand, the splitting of Heaven and Earth - Ranganui and Papatuanuku – is the most fundamental story of New Zealand.
This became the concept that all else must resonate with.
The form of the bridge began as a singular fluid curve in elevation – a pure line in trajectory.
This line represents the dividing line between Heaven and Earth – Ranganui and Papatuanuku. This line is the mediator between the two elements.
Tuia te Rangi e tu iho nei
Tuia te Papa e takoto ake nei
Tuia te hunga tangata.
Ka rongo te Po
Ka rongo te Ao
Tuia te muka tangata
Bind together Rangi the Sky Father and Papa the Earth Mother
Bind together the human race.
That Night and Day shall hear.
Unite the strands of humanity together as one.
Tuhia ki te rangi
Tuhia ki te whenua
Tuhia ki te ngakau o nga tangata
Ko te mea nui
Ko te aroha
Tihei Mauri Ora
Write it upon the sky
and upon the earth below
Write it upon the hearts of men
the greatest thing in this world is love