The family home is located in a small village, known as "The Guercet" at the foot of Mont-Chemin in the town of Martigny.
The gossips say the Guercet "They do not have sun all winter and they always have the wind" and the president of common reply: "during the winter, the sun and heat are in our hearts ".
The reputation of the place and its austere climate, have inspired us to the concept of "igloo" of this house.
The project is organized on two floors, with the living space on the garden level, slightly elevated above the natural ground and the bedrooms upstairs.
The focal point of the villa is the outdoor space, a generous and introverted terrace with a reference space, accessible from all parts of the house and unifying.
The construction is made of traditional masonry, tiles, stairs and seismic walls are made of reinforced concrete. Roofs and balconies are in wood or metal frame. Adequate and uninterrupted perimeter insulation and efficient windows have ensured economic achievement respecting the announced budget 720'000.- CHF.