Where before was an exclusive touristic destination, Vilamoura becomes more and more an annual residence city. The avenue Eng, João Meireles is the front door of the city, where its green/nature set, becomes the identity for the rest of the urban developments that sprawl from it.
The avenue divides the city. The residential area in the North and the Retail/Hotel/Leisure sea front area in the South. As it was designed only as an entrance to the city, neglected it´s expansion.
Nowadays it must be a transversal connection hub, and a longitudinal leisure and wellbeing series of infrastructures.
The system consists on several fitness platforms, which are intersected here and there by other leisure infrastructures, that tries to attract all the demographic identities that uses the “park”.
Although surrounded by 4 lanes of traffic, which are the main fluxes of the city’s arrivals, one can isolate itself, at any time of the day
Since it’s conclusion in 2008, the cities annual reports have been constantly highlighting the impact that this renovation had on the citizen’s day-by-day life.