Work developed by the Municipality of Vicente Lopez, associated to Cadau, Gimenez, Galvez as designer and
Director of Works.
Systematization of earth movements, accumulations of different types of
ground strata (stone-bedrock-dirt-grass). These movements are planned in
scale of actions and regarding perpendicular interventions to relate the Park and
its view points to de Rio de la Plata. These limits outline the ranges of measurement of interventions with the topography, that are
systematized in their different repeated
configurations but accomodating different pressures that vary their configuration (each repetition varies in angle, it curvature) establishing gradual differentiations.
TOPOGRAPHY-STREET Through the movement of the street blocks mesh, the border of the street could be banked for formalizing a special relationship enabling continuity. The vehicles can park to see the
river, but they are not seen from the shore (at the time these slopes create a barrier to
the continuous traffic) and in turn for their measures in height, they allow visual
continuity with the landscape. TOPOGRAPHY- A. WILLIAMS MONUMENT- FORESTATION
The topographic movement alternates views to the sited Amancio Williams sculpture and the river, establishing also a sectional formal relationship of sinuosity. The forestation follows also this movement with autoctonous plants that need little mainteinance.