of thought, mexico city mega library
idea for Mexico’s National Library comes out of the premise that
each book is a vector or a series of vectors within knowledge, making
approximations and directing thought towards certain fields. Books
consolidate areas within our thought and seek to open spaces within
the unknown; our project explores the idea of a vectorial
organization emerging from the books and their relationships.
forming clusters and exploring new connections, we challenge the
notion of fields of knowledge and propose the idea of spaces and
surfaces that interact with each other.
books have transformed these relationships by linking diverse themes
and establishing direct connections between them, carving specific
tunnels that connect areas of knowledge. The whole library is a
single surface-membrane transformed by the vectors, carving spaces as
carving knowledge itself.
patios appear as voids where the books form retaining walls ,and
tunnels carved between the sunken spaces link different themes and
establish unexpected connections.
roof covering both, the sunken patios and reading surfaces above, is
a slightly elevated surface formed by a structural system reacting to
the changes in the surface below. The roof produces a landscape on
the roof top, which in some places is open by the shifts and
transformations of the membrane. The openings allow for light, sun
and readers to access freely the library.
library should be read as the anti-object. Less a noun, or something
you could name, and more a verb or an action you could describe.
project was developed a submission to the 2003 Jose Vasconcelos
Library competition in Mexico City. Co-authors:
Rosalea Monacella and Craig Douglas