Under a retainer contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, several projects were administered involving research facilities for the Agricultural Research Service. Bailey Edward assisted with value engineering and design review services for this Nutrient Management Research Laboratory and Animal Holding Facility. Research at these facilities involves a study of the affects of large herd dairy farming on the environment and dairy industry. Design review and value engineering services included recommending initial cost reductions, life cycle cost savings and improved building value.
The Nutrient Management Research Laboratory scope of work includes a Technology Transfer Center Laboratory. The scope of work for the Technology Transfer, Dairy Science Laboratory and Zoonotics Laboratory involves developing a design that meets the needs of the research program.
Bailey Edward’s design for the laboratory spaces involves two mobile stations, standard laboratory casework and overhead service carries for electric and gas. Essential safety elements for all laboratians such as sinks, fume hoods, an eye wash station and shower, are also found within.