in collaboration with Bastian Gabel -Using a strategy for an urban and architecturalreinterpretation of inner city development areas, thesite is integrated into the existing urban patternusing an examplatory building-, open space and conceptof uses. Beyond the site boundary, elements specificto Munich like courtyard developments, the mixing ofdifferent uses, a distinct urban pattern within theold town including the historic moat as well as thepotential green belt have formed part of the conceptdevelopment.Understanding the benefits of an inner city urbanlife as well as the adherent desire for a suburbanlocation, the projects aims to integrate both within aconcept to regenerate urban areas.Urban rustic –– Establishing a new identity byreinterpretating the knownThe proposed strategy refers to the “rustic” found inrural development sites, rather than modern visionsof “building machines” by Le Corbusier etc. UrbanInner City developments will have to integrate thehuman desire for a personal garden and automobile.Understanding these as additional qualities willensure the vitality of city centers.By superimposing urban and rustic needs within avertical mix, consolidated structures are created.Integrating various means of access and viewingconnections, a dense interlocking with the localand wide context is established. The resultingdense vertical island can be re read as “townwithin a town” –an urban acupuncture.Picking up existing links from Stachus toSendlinger Tor as well as cross connections viathe courtyards, the connection from Sonnenstrasseto Hackenviertel is strengthened. Integratingcourtyards into urban links, a rhythm/sequence iscreated with the boulevard and the new buildingpattern. This sequence creates a spatial tensionas well as the opportunity for a variety of usesand activities along the routes.Currently dominated by busy traffic routes, theframing elements are superimposed within theconcept of vertical access for the site. Localtraffic as well as through traffic are channelledinto the site and transferred onto internalstreets and squares. The boundary between publicand private uses is blurred.