The land is owned by the Ilabaya District council. And it is in the Cambaya annex.
This property is located within the area of urban expansion which was topographically modified for this purpose, because of its proximity to less populated center of Cambay which has networks of basic services essential to give people decent housing; Therefore this property was chosen as the place to raise the development of this project and construction Urban Enabling Progressive Social Housing, the same may be promoted by the institutions understood the issue.
The property called "New Cambaya" is located approximately 1.5 km. North of Cambaya annex, Ilabaya District, Jorge Basadre Grohmann province.
Area and perimeter:
The area of land is 49, 813.55 m2. The perimeter of the land is 1235.44 ml.
The present disclosure is directed to expose the support of the Project for the purpose of Urban Habilitation, and the construction of Progressive Social Interest Houses. The approach of the allotment was made taking in consideration the provisions of the National Building Regulations, urban design criteria; as well as the demand.
• Enable 126 urban lots and integrate the urban environment of the town Cambaya center.
• To contribute to orderly population growth, raising an Urban Enabling user-based features of the community.
• To meet part of the demand for affordable housing, planning a progressive construction of housing.
2.1. Local roads:
The group is organized by way of condominium; presenting a central area in which the blocks are organized around this. Access is from any point to this large central park, there is a vehicular access which borders the west side (not to distort the development of activities in the urban habilitation), which links the various annexes. This main road is paved because this road connects the towns. As to domestic roads or passage has a path of 1.00 ml. on both sides and a walkway of 4.00 ml. For eventually vehicle traffic, which is paved with stone, to preserve the identity of the place.
2.2. Urban Design criteria:
Our Project of Urban Habilitation, has been the main factor that each house has the best views to the natural landscape of the valley, as well as to the central park extension, called in the proposal as an oasis in the city. As for the contributions it has been considered the needs of the population; sport slab playground, celebrations and public events slab, main square, common parking area, among others.
It was also considered an area for the construction of a gazebo shelter that can support the tourist trade projected for this area including this Moqqi route to the falls of pannina and great view to the valley and the union of the Borogueña and Cambaya rivers is a prime area for this purpose.
Architect Team:
- Jesús Carbajal Paxi
- Fiorella Balabarca Mamani
- Richard Ramos Salcedo