The University of Arkansas wanted to establish a long term master plan for their growing university art department. A light industrial 3.8-acre satellite site running along the popular Frisco Trail, the program includes 30,000 square feet allocated for foundations and sculpture teaching labs, a wood shop, a metal shop, a mold making/wax studio, an advanced technologies lab and faculty offices, and 2,800 square feet for geosciences labs. el dorado is teaming with MODUS Studios for this project. The new facility will provide state-of-the-art sculpture, wood and steel shop spaces, all carefully designed and equipped to balance advanced technologies with traditional fabrication procedures. It will also provides a protected, outdoor casting foundry and dedicated MFA studios. Half of the square footage is housed within an existing pre-engineered building frame, made efficient by introducing a second floor within the volume. A new building to the east doubles the available square footage. Studio space is open, flexible and well-lit. Generous corridors provide ample display and critique space.