RMFA with all amenities located within the footprint of two separate , but adjacent to each other . With this kind of site conditions for the initial zoning functions football academy and villas functions can be easily separated . The concept of dividing the initial planning site into 2 main zones , as zones RMFA ( Real Madrid Football Academy ) and Villa zones as residential facilities , . RMFA zone includes buildings : Building RMFA administration , senior football field , junior football field , RMFA class , Swimming pool , entertainment center , and multi- purposed building .
These two zones are connected by a path connecting the area of rice fields . Area footprint shape for football academy makes irregular placement and field pengorientasian be limited . However, these limitations can be solved by setting the mass of the building mass is flexible .
" That fashion and architecture have a great deal in common may be suprising , given the obvious differences between two disciplines . Fashion is thought of as ephemeral and superficial using a soft , fragile sometime , materials , whereas architecture is monumental and permanent Considered , using rigid , highly durable materials ... ( Hodge , Brooke ; pararell practices in fashion and Architecture ; Skin + Bones ; Tmahes Hudson , New york , 2006, Page 11 )
RMFA done with building design approach with local cultural contextuality , without prejudice to the modern aspects of the form bangunannya.Pendekatan ideas drawn from the idea of building a relationship of fashion and architecture.Selanjutnya interpreted in a blanket idea macro landscape and formed as a result of the structures of the constituent . combined with the characteristics of the local site . Elaboration of the idea of the idea of the concept of architecture as a design icon which makes the spread seems to be the order of trinkets landscape that gave birth to a beautiful style and dynamic fashion .
Landscrapers / Building with the land
" Building replace the land . That is architecture 's original sin . A building of make something new , but does not do so in a void . What was once open land , filled with sunlight and water , with a distinct relationship to the horizon , Becomes a building ... ( Betsky.Aaron ; " Landscapers building with the land , Thames & Hudson , London , 2002/introduction )
The design of the architecture is an exploration of space and time in a macro space ( landscape ) . Tanah ( Land ) be a base / pedestal lanskap.Arsitektur establish a dialogue with the communication / relationship with the landscape architecture design approach lanskapnya.Beberapa a basic concept in building design RMFA , namely ;
1 . The building is physically trying to appear as if their existence is hidden ( Engineered Utopias ) : Senior & Junior Tribune , villas
2 . Opening / Open digging to create a unique form of architecture ( the unfolding of the land ) : RMFA administration , entertainment center , multi-purpose building , & RMFA Class
3 . The building appears to combine architecture and landscape , nature , and human ( A new nature) ; parking area , swimming pools , connecting pathway , plaza
Contextual aspects of roof garden looks at the use of the stands at the junior and senior field , creating the impression of ground cover on the stands that "grounded " , the concept is based as site is in pristine rice fields , and building height regulations should not exceed 4 floors so buildings tend to be designed with horizontal kosep . A style of architecture featured a Balinese traditional philosophy and its natural home in order to create the impression of simplicity . material used to keep using natural materials such as bamboo styles and wood are commonly used in traditional architecture in order to create the impression still warm in the stands bangunan.Akses towards senior and junior football fields wide by deliberately farcical concept , in order to create a sequence of interest stands in the mix with rice field view of the existing site , creating a blend of experience building mass view without compromising the environment.
RMFA building is one point of view of the overall site RMFA , is a geometric arrangement of the building with a large arch with a cover material in the form of bamboo as a building , a secondary skin cover bamboo in buildings , as well as respond to the climate of the island , so that space - space therein are not directly dealing with the scorching sun , Main entrance RMFA administration building with a massive wall of sandstone material creates a warm atmosphere to visitors , with a secondary skin continuitas bamboo thereon as the overall appearance of buildings , others respond to the building is the use of canopy - canopy and wide terraces around the building so that visitors feel welcome .