Tsujita is the most famous Ramen "noodle shop" in Japan. This is the first shop in USA. Interior image is luxury Zen style. Ceiling object is created as image of flowting clouds in the sky.Composed by 25000 of different length of wood and express clouds.By different view point, clouds shape will be changed. It was unique. Wall is made by golden wood block. This details to think of Japanese traditional tea room. This wall express Zen world. In the entrance area, we place lighting with shop owner family emblem.This is the feeling of welcome. This concept of design is luxury Zen style that suite to LA not like Japanese minimum space.I put image of clouds for the ceiling detail. There is IZUMO shrine, one of the most important shrine in Shimane Japan. The clouds we can see there, has beauty but mysterious image. I wanted to show those images on this design.I put 25000 of wooden sticks, which was shaped like drum stick on the ceiling.In order to increase a reality of clouds, I calculate the focal length between eye line and wooden sticks and use that length for the stick length. Also I made difference on the distance between stick each other so that to make a stereoscopic effect to wooden cloud.Not only for this project. I'm always challenging to create a space that coexist art and interior. At the same time, I'd like people to feel the delicate of beauty, which Japanese have, and Japanese atmosphere when they visit here so that they will think that they want to visit Japan. I'd like to make this restaurant as one of an element for Japanese reconstruction.