An excellent Boutique wildlife Resort nestled within the low Aravalli hills, the oldest mountains in the world. The resort has 15 cottages surrounded native natural landscape with a lavish toilet and a comfortable bed that overlook the hillside. Utmost care was taken to not to disturb the natural landscape of the place. Acacia nilotica or the gum arabic tree, make up the larger part of the landscape. Most of the trees came up while the resort was in construction. Some trees even went up 8' in one monsoon season. Local grasses and shrubs were allowed to grow by themselves and they provided a safe haven for the partridges and quails as equally for the snakes and rodents. The crested Serpent eagle frequents the resort with an eager eyes for the slithering reptiles. The Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) is seen infrequently making a passage near the old well looking out for pigeons.
Cottages are thus entered through a small private courtyard which provides as a buffer between the maintained area of the cottage and the wild landscape outside. It also provides a relief to the guest from the wilderness. The views and the sense of space sitting atop the "machaan" ( a viewing sitout that comes on top of the toilet) of the cottage is truly mesmerising while introducing the guests to a plethora of birds that flock the natural trees and grasses.
A natural dipression has been filled in by water to create a small lily pond and the able eyed kingfisher hunts there regularly for the odd frog that moves out of its camouflage. It is also home to the numerous species of dragonflies and damselflies giving colour and life to the pond. The common areas were then built around the pond.
As far as possible, local materials were used to construct the resort and details wwere kept simple so that local unskilled labour could build the resort.