The project consists in the energetic renovation of five social housing towers in Trento. The Madonna Bianca district (1971/1976) designed by Marcello Armani and Luciano Perini, with Efrem Ferrari and Paolo Mayr, can be considered a paradigmatic example of a social housing complex of the 1970s, one of the few built examples in Italy that managed to fulfill modernist ideals of the large-scale planning and democratic housing. A delicate evaluation process has been carried out in order to understand if it is better to demolish and rebuild the entire complex. However, after a long discussion the understating of the historical, architectural and material value of the existing complex has become clear to Itea, the local social housing agency, and to the community. Therefore a common decision has been made to maintain and improve the existing complex. The architectural, anti-seismic and energetic requalification has been conceived with the critical spirit of a conservative renovation, in order not to alter the historical value and the architectural identity of the complex. Large-format prefabricated panels have been used on the façade to preserve the material and chromatic character of the towers, while ensuring the best thermal insulation. The dimensions and proportions of the new panels are proportioned according to the original concrete prefabricated panels. On the west elevations a new system of solar shading has been implemented with tones and colors inspired by a 1977 work of art of Luigi Senesi, an important figure in Trentino art scene. The colored awnings are designed to give to each unit a different color, while maintaining a predominant color for each tower in order to make them recognizable within the complex, giving to each housing block a different visual identity. On the ground floor the entrance hall is redesigned in order to make it fully accessible to bikes, wheelchairs and strollers. The process of energy renovation has become an opportunity to enhance public spaces at the service of the community, combining energy and social sustainability.