With the project TOL Telecom Office Landscape FDG was awarded first place in the competition by invitation for designing Smart Working and Brand Identity solutions for the offices of TIM Telecom Italia.
The winning project – crossing over all office areas to develop a strong and clear identity – combines natural and human components to design a work environment with its own distinctive character, in culture and layout, that expresses the company’s corporate identity. The workplace and meeting areas are attractive and stimulating, placing the person at the centre, and where the five senses are triggered through a sensorial experience.
Structures, proportions, transparencies and materials play in unison to call up emotional and evocative situations. A landscape.
“Earth”/the floor and “sky”/the ceiling change colour and their materiality according to the activity they serve, making the workplace and meeting areas attractive and stimulating, where the person is at the centre and where the five senses are triggered through a sensorial experience.
In general, the various components combine aesthetic qualities with functional use, an “assembly kit” to simplify construction and maintenance with a system of elements that can be adapted to diverse situations and that work in unison to define the company’s corporate identity.
The colours and materials of the various areas were selected according to the perception and psychological aspects related to the functional and communication needs of the places.
The concept presented by FDG is disruptive, where quantity is set aside to achieve overall quality.
The results of TIM’s competition by invitation were announced in October 2015: a competition set up in two phases with about fifty Italian architectural firms invited to take part.
Under a property development project called PJ10città, the project entails the development of the concept and guidelines issued by Telecom Italia and the firm Goldmann&Partners. The goal is to make TIM offices an international benchmark for office space design standards. The workplace, reception areas, relaxation and communication areas, and foodservice locations would be disruptive and at the same time ensure the highest sensorial comfort, reinforcing the company’s Brand Identity while respecting all the principles of sustainability.
The new frontier in Smart Working.
Slow Architecture
- Integrated design
- Sensorial comfort
- Energy efficient bioclimatic environment
- Integrated and modular systems
- Total flexibility
- Low ecological footprint