A former town for the workers of a Chilean saltpeter factory turned ghost-town. The town is a gem of vernacular 19th century architecture and now a triumph of nature over man-made structure. The decaying structures of today look as beautiful as they ever did. They do not need to be repaired or renovated, but loved and respected.This is an ode to the inevitability of decay:a line is drawn through the site to separate historical value from touristic value. It is a wall, a guide, it gives protection. A museum is in essence a wall,... a carrier of meaning. It provides the visitor with a window into another world. A world that could be real and tangible. It offers the visitor the chance to crawl through the frame and into that other world.While a wall expresses movement, a roof expresses rest. Where the line begins and ends the wall turns into a roof. There information is gathered and the visitor is given a vista on the entire site.