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Thyagaraj Sports Complex  

Thyagaraj Sports Complex

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Thyagaraj Sports Complex

1,000,000 +
$50M - 100M
The Thyagaraja Sports Complex was
the venue for netball competition and athletics training for the Delhi 2010
commonwealth games. Its legacy use will be as a precinct for sporting and
entertainment events. It’s one of the greenest sporting arenas in the world.
The Thyagraj Sports Complex has
been awarded the Indian Building Congress (IBC) Award . It received  the IBC Trophy for Excellence in Built
Thyagaraj Stadium has been
selected for the Third Vishwa Karma Award this
year, the highest award in the construction industry.It
has been adjudged as the best infrastructure project. CPWD(Central public Works
Dept.) Award of excellence under best building sports complex category
completed during 2009-10..
Built from scratch at a cost of 297.95 Crore it is the most celebrated venue for
the October 3-14 event. Touted as the pride of Delhi, it took nearly three
years for the Public Works Department to construct the multi-disciplinary games
stadium spanning an area of 25.55 hectares with a seating capacity of 6000. The
stadium also has a competitor track for athletics, three tennis clay courts and
two grass courts. The building is inspired by its locality and its environment.

Because the building combines an indoor and outdoor venue, the large
cantilevering roof serves as a shelter to an outer concourse for the indoor
venue. It provides shade in the extreme heat and shelter in the rain. It also
serves as a canopy for the grandstand to the outdoor venue. When we design a
new major public building, we have a responsibility to make a positive
contribution to that community. By creating a building with its own power plant
that can contribute to the energy needs of the local community, we can
contribute long after the games have ended. All efforts to minimise the
carbon footprint of the building have been taken. The building features solar
and gas-based power generating systems through to rainwater harvesting and an
effluent treatment plant. All of which are controlled by an Integrated Building
Management System.

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