The site forms part of the wider regeneration and redevelopment strategy for Lewisham town centre located in an area zoned for high-density sustainable urban living with good transport accessibility. The proposal is for 410 bedrooms, each with generous study space and en suite bathroom.
Two distinct forms rise over a double storey base structure of lettable commercial space and student support functions. The plan form and massing has been developed to address the significant constraints impacting upon the site – the most significant of these being the proximity of both rail and road networks as well as orientation and outlook. A series of varying cluster unit layouts are provided, each with communal living and eating spaces as well as self contained studios.
The plan form offers new opportunities to create communal amenity spaces at varying levels and integrate the site into an existing green corridor forming the northern boundary and which will offer not only sustainability benefits but also enhance biodiversity and the local ecology.
Planning permission was granted in Autumn 2015. The rapid delivery of the project, achieved in approximately 10 months was due to the use of innovative self stacking modular units constructed off site. The use of volumetric construction accounted for approximately 90% of the buildings overall floor area, ensuring significant benefits with regards to reducing on site waste, associated traffic movement, noise and dust pollution, transport related CO2 emissions, safer construction and a shorter inconvenience period for neighbours.
Each of the 636 modules were delivered to site and installed in just over 3 months, with completion achieved in September 2016.