Erlangen is known in the region as a
city with numerous medical facilities,
universities, and economically strong
and well-known employers. As a result,
there is a steady increase of the population
and thus a need for additional
residential areas.
The existing master plan regulates a perimeter
block development consisting of
two apartment buildings on the eastern/
western border of the plot, and row houses
in the south. Inside of the block,
there are additional row houses.
In our proposal we first align the row
houses inside of the block according to
the current building laws to visualize
the maximum envelope. Then, we stagger
the different rows in order to create a
variety of housing types with different
widths. In a third step, the row houses
in the centre of the plot are pushed
back in favour of a public route winding
through the residential area from east
to west. It serves not only as main access
to the houses but accommodates two
playing grounds and a central square.
Here, the residents meet each other, interaction
takes place.
niedersächsischer landtag
expo real 2010