University of Southern California, Xi’an, China, 2010 - 2011AA Landscape Urbanism was invited to the Creative Nature Workshop in Xi'an, China organized by The University of Southern California in Collaboration with Xi'an International Horticultural Expo 2011. The workshop took place from the 24th to the 31sr of January 2010 in Xi'an, China.The workshop consists in the design of a series of micro environments, each one commissioned to a different academic team. Other invited universities include Columbia University, HKU, Peking University, UC Berkeley, USC, UTDT and University of Toronto.Thickened Waterfront PavilionThe pavilion uses the water and the ground as the main drivers for the design. The ground is manipulated (folded then thickened) to allow the inland and lake water to run through the pavilion by means of water inlets, pools, canals expanding the water experience into the hard and soft landscape: next to benches, paths and plating areas in a seamless design.The pedestrian should be able to read and perceive a wide variety of material and spatial qualities in a compressed setting.A series of individual ponds host a diverse catalogue of conditions of light reflection, water depth, colour, planting, fauna and potentially human interaction (bathing, pudding pool).These mosaics of water features provide the medium for further interactions and enriched version of the ecologies within the park, incorporating expanded ideas of performance, spatial experience and environmental qualities.