The project is the
refurbishment of offices for client Therefore.
Therefore are product design consultants based in Fitzrovia, London where they operate from a five storey building dating
from the 1970s. Their clients include TomTom, Samsonite, NAIM HiFi, Procter
& Gamble and BT.West Architecture was appointed to re-organise their
meeting, break-out and arrival spaces whilst upgrading staff facilities and
improving the street presence of the company.
West Architecture’s response to the brief was to
remove everything non structural from the ground floor and introduce a series
of highly detailed elements in an uncluttered space. Influenced by the client’s
role as product designers and as such the designers of objects, we sought to
create a series of spaces that were clearly defined by legible objects. In some
cases the physical manipulation of these objects adapts or edits their
immediate environment. The ground floor
becomes a large single space treated as four separate rooms which can be connected
and disconnected both functionally and physically as required. As well as
providing facilities for meetings and presentations the ground floor is now the
social hub of the company.