Accounting to the annual architecture festival „plan08“-Forum for current architecture in Cologne 2008 we, Robert Wetzels (bob-architektur) and Christian Dieckmann (Dieckmann Hartmann Architekten) joined as architects.
Our contribution was about the, 1981 by Erwin Heine built, television tower in Cologne. The „Colonius“ is with his 266m the highes TV tower in Nordrhein-Westfalen. For the city Cologne it is a fare visible landmark with long range effect at day and night and one of the most striking buildings in the city.
The light production of the TV tower on-line to the plan08 is offered by the city, the German radio tower GmbH and the German Telekom AG. On that platform a light artist can present his installations to the public and start a discussion in the public area.
A contemporary debate with the Colonius in light show form marks his importance in the skyline.
By beaming the pillar, the Colonius is becoming a sculputre which vitalizes the skyline while the plan08.