The site of the Sieff Hospital, amidst the majestic Galilee landscape, presents an unparalleled opportunity for incorporating Nature into the fabric of the building.
We perceived the location of the hospital as an opportunity to design a building that can benefit from the unique therapeutic qualities that only contact with nature can give.
The project was shaped by two primary aims: clarity, simplicity, and quality of environment.
A building that is easy to understand conveys calm and peacefulness.
The patient's rooms are arranged in a logical sequence along the main public area to create a clear and simple hierarchy for the users.
The organization of the building and its relationship with the landscape creates an environment for the patients and staff that are harmonious and coherent.
The variety of views and their relationship to the various activities of the hospital offer therapeutic benefits and a working environment filled with natural light and a sense of space.
The public spaces of the building are open inwards onto peaceful, internal landscaped court, affording privacy and relaxation.
The patient's rooms are oriented outwards, opening to views of mountains, cliffs and valleys.