This project brought together several community facilities on one site. The proposals include replacing an old derelict Community Centre which stood on the site with a new purpose built facility which also accommodates a Library, Parish Office and Doctors’ Surgery.
A significant rise in ground level across the site has resulted in the building being a full two storeys at the front where the community centre and entrance are located, and partially single storey at the highest point of the site, which is actually first floor level.
The Community Centre consists of three halls on different floors of the building, with ancillary spaces such as Kitchens, Stores & WCs directly associated with them on each level.
The Doctors Surgery is set entirely at first floor level with the exception of a double height entrance lobby adjacent to the main entrance. It is positioned with floor level to match ground level at the top of the site so that it has direct level access at this point.
The project achieved a BREEAM Excellent rating, and incorporates many sustainable technologies such as ground source heat pumps, PV solar panels, energy efficient lighting, natural ventilation, rainwater harvesting and a green roof.