The Kinii is Obicua’s last project realized in Salt Like City, in the exclusive ski resort of Powder Mountain.
The name means literally the nest of the falcon, translated from the ancient native language. This name has been chosen as the villa is set at an altitude of about 3.000 metres and it allows to enjoy a panoramic view on three American states.
Precisely for appreciating the natural beauties of the landscape, we decided to realize a building which followed the ground and did not alter it.
The construction of the villa aimed at realizing a stylistic example and bringing the excellences of the “Made in Italy” to America.
the villa was completely built respecting the surrounding area. It’s part of our philosophy as studio, in fact, to think an architectural project taking into account the historical and artistic context in which the building will be constructed.
In doing so, “The Kinii” was realized applying the protocols of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification scheme. This is a standard used in more than 100 countries in the world aims at minimizing the impact on the ground and the whole local ecosystem.
The non-invasive approach is evident in the compact volumes, adapt to keep the warmth, and in the grounding base, reduced not to degrade the soil with the construction site.
In addition, the green roof was studied to favour the external insulation and the shape of the building follow the ground, creating different panoramic terraces which are protected both from the iced winds and the UV rays.
The result is a structure with a beautiful aesthetic which, at the same time, respects the environment.
The interiors of the house are divided into two blocks: one for the hosts and the youngest and the other one for the owners. We decided to distinguish the two areas of the villa, including a triple living room to connect them between each other.
This is located in the south side, linking the living rooms with the bedroom area by a compartment with an open staircase.
The inside coverages are in American red cedar that creates a warm atmosphere and, simultaneously, values the environmental logics.