This vacation home for a small family is located on a slim lot close to the beach. A long building
in front of the site blocks its view to the sea on the ground. Therefore, the
swimming pool is programmed as an extension of the roof terrace, which enables
a long-distance view. The house is organized according to three different
routes. In addition to the main entrance, the path from the beach provides
access to the ground floor and to the roof garden, without having to enter the
house itself. A third route provides an entrance for guests.Public and private programs
overlap taking full advantage of indoor-outdoor living throughout the house.
The public eating and living spaces face their respective outside conditions at
opposing ends of the house, connected via public circulation. A separate
circulation path connects the family’s private zones. Both circulation systems
intertwine and confront each other. Each level of the house has a distinctive
orientation to the outside, as the movement increasingly becomes freer from
lower to upper floors.