An exhibition about how to plan Los Angeles for a future without fossil fuels. What will make that future desirable?Full project available at: group of architects, planners, artists, landscape architects, engineers, writers and set designers at the Department of Architecture at the Royal University Collage of Fine Arts in Stockholm, Sweden created a strategic plan for the area where the Los Angeles River cuts through downtown. The strategy, called The Fifth Ecology, combines architecture and urban planning with an environmental focus, social sustainability and green-technologies. The proposed chain of urban places transforms the dysfunctional and infrastructural area of central Los Angeles into an energy producing, post-material public space with spectacular urban qualities.The Department of Architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts runs a post-graduate program for graduates and professionals interested in art, architecture and urbanism. The course is a part of a three-year long project entitled Cities and Energy, which focuses on the question: How can our urban environments radically different points of departure be planned and designed for a future without fossil fuels? The course studies one city from each of the three most oil consuming economies in the world. The first year took on China and Shanghai, the second year Los Angeles and this fall the course is focusing on India and the city of Pune.