The continuous ROOM is a temporary room dedicated to reading.
Reading is a pastime that becomes fainter and farther as time passes, the process of reading allows us to recover and comprehend information or ideas that have been conserved or stored in some form. These ideas usually come in the guise of written language, as symbols that can be perceived through our sight or tactilely (i.e. Braille system). Other types of reading cannot be based on language, as in the case of musical notation or pictography, similarly, for the science of information, reading is the acquisition of data from some type of memory. The purpose of this space is to collect these methods, new and old.
The space copes in depth with the revolution ("akin to that of Gutenberg") induced by new communication technologies. At times debatable, also in the sense of creating debate, this place supports the theory that the advent of hypertext will radically transform the reading experience and the object book.
Upsetting the hierarchies and linear sequence of reading, Landow maintains that the electronic revolution 'entrusts the reader with a much more active role than that with books". According to Landow technological innovation was preceded and prepared for by a theoretic elaboration of the literary theory and philosophy of language (Derrida, Baudrillard, the poetic of the "open work” etc.) that enables the present "re-shaping" of the respective roles of reader, author and text.