William S. Burroughs once said that a book is just a series of words, correctly
placed one after the other, that simply create images in our minds.
We want to convey this concept as the theme for the competition: to think of a
movie as a series of still frames, as particles, placed one after the other
to create imaginary worlds in our mind.
We metaphorically take these particles, that are emitted out of the projection onto the screen inside, and we gently pull them out randomly, creating a
cloud of particles around the building. We romantically imagine that outside everyone could select any particle of the cloud and create their own story, their own movie, their own imaginary world.
The proposal plays on two different interpretations. We have decided to keep the
iconic cinema design true to the original as much as we can, but
refreshing its image with a more contemporary approach.
We developed a new 3D cladding in Dupont Corian Verano white, based on the original and existing pattern, with all the tiles engraved and back illuminated all over the facade and the front canopy.
We treated the glazed entrance with a new structural glass facade in DuPont™ SentryGlass® system.
The concept really takes form with the addition of the particle cloud to the existing build. This secondary skin that gently wraps the building, creates a welcoming space by which people inside feel enveloped without being totally separated from the outside.