This schematic project is just idea of building , that might be realized at a sacred place or a public centre of any city of the India, South- East Asia , China or Japan. It has religious theme, connected with countries, that practice Buddha's religion, as part another ones among. On today Buddha's religion temples and shrines have traditional ancient shapes, practically haven't changed from time, when this religion started it's worldwide way. A characteristic feature religion's ceremonies there is existence of big , gigantic sculpture of Buddha , either as main element of composition many temples and shrines, or just a part of landscapes , for example are sculptures Buddha of Bamyan province of Afghanistan, in 2001 barbarian demolished The Taliban movement. Also, as examples, there are very many big , gigantic sculptures of Buddha at the temples of Japan, China. It is made from different materials, likes natural, sometimes precious, stones and metalls. As before, today, religious words
are very important for humans of the Earth , and mankind will don't stop to construct new temples and shrines , using new technical achievements and new construction materials. This schematic project is just an attempt to image, how Buddha 's temple can looks at the 21st centure.
The building is a composition , includes a rectangular base, transparent cube, standing on a top of the base, and Buddha's sculpture , has disposed into a monolith of cube.
The base is multifunctional centre , includes lecture halls, meditation rooms, museum, cafe, shops, toilets, etc. It has 4 entrances, leading into from ground level and 4 slope sides with long staircases , leading on a top of the base. Number of footsteps is 35, this number is connected with Buddha's life. On the base's top situated walking plaza, pool with fountain , transparent cube and 4 bridges connecting plaza with lower cube's entrances. The pool besides aesthetics function can serve as cooling system for the cube and the base rooms too.
The cube and Buddha's sculpture are made from the same material. These are transparent and porcelain colored blocks of special sort of strong glass. Another variant , cube and sculpture might be made with using of 3d printing technology. There is a steel frame inside the sculpture. The monolithic shape of cube has 32 slope tunnels , using as staircases leading upstairs and downstairs around Buddha's sculpture. The movement around sculpture likes meditation act, the way without beginning and ends, the scheme of staircases lets this type of walking. On different levels 4 sides of cube are situated 16 loggies for rest visitors .The height of cube is 45 metres, a number also connected with Buddha's life. On the top of the cube is situated oservation desk. There are rings of the same strong glass, has situated on different levels there. Them simbolized broken wheel of suffering and work as bear construction for spotlights also.
Besides cultural-education function ,the complex works as light show. Various types of naturally and electrical lights, colored , white , pulse and constant , etc. give unlimited possibilities for doing unforgettable show at any time of day or night any seasons of year.
© Beibitzhan Nurgazin, 2014.