In an effort to preserve the public investment in the adjacent 625 SW Broadway Building we have prepared the following building program for City of Portland Land Use Review - LU 09-152364 DZM ADSite Allowable: Building Height 125’ Eligible for 75’ foot bonuses, Building FAR 6:1, Eligible for 3:1 with bonuses, & Parking not required.Proposed Building Program: Total Bldg. Sq. ft. (101,211 sf), FAR sq. ft (9:1, 90,000sf), (12) twelve story with green eco roof and (1) One basement level, 130’ ft. Tall, 139 unit, Residential Mixed-Use, 4,906 square feet of at grade retail on existing Zone commercial retail site. The design of the project will generally be consistent with the City of Portland, Oregon, Bureau of Development Services Design Advise Request submittal dated 11.25.08 Produced by Inflektion workshop, (attached).Proposed Building Program, Design Concept: Move the mass of the building to the north of the site preserving, as much as possible, the SW Broadway Building’s natural light and views, while providing a green space pocket park and circulation thru the middle of the site for public use.