The site encompass a city block in downtown Taitung. The municipal government wanted to position the site as an anchor to a new commercial precinct. The idea to offer a commercial venue with a single tenant was rejected, not wishing to place a shopping mall with in the heart of the city. A strategy of a cluster of buildings that nestles among mature trees on site was proposed. The proposal looked to the history of the site for inspiration.
Originally six wooden houses built for faculty members occupied the site during the Japanese Occupation in the 1930's. Each house had its own garden with trees and vegetation within a walled compound. The original plan to savage the wood houses proved unrealistic. In the end the decision was to demolish all the wooden structures and salvage as much of the original as possible. These would be used to re-assemble one house in the traditional manner as a museum. With the demolition of the existing buildings, it became clear that what was left standing, i.e. the magnificent tress, were the true original 'inhabitants' of the site.
The strategy was to design a series of low walls that would enclose the trees in a spatial relationship similar but different from the wooden houses compounds. The walls would form gardens with trees as the prominent feature. Architecture would grow from the low walls to further re-enforce edges of the gardens, being careful and mindful to the scale and proportion of the trees. In the end, we designed five buildings of varies sizes to fit within the gardens and the trees. Each would be equipped to allow it to function as a restaurant or an art gallery. Each acts like a grand 'room' that during good weather could open completely to the outdoor gardens, allowing a continuous flow from inside to outside.
本基地位於台東市中心,舊台鐵火車站對面, 原日式宿舍區。觀光局希望藉由新文化及商業設施進駐可以活化市中心為市區帶來特色亮點。為呼應台東慢活的後山哲學,空間配置的策略捨棄集中式的商場,以數棟較小建築與現場的大樹呼應共生。
基地上原有1930日據時代的木構宿舍荒廢已久, 在評估後決定不值得保留,將仍可用的舊木料回收運用於原段長室之原樣重建。當基地清除後, 原宿舍花園內長成之大樹,成為唯一見證這歷史變遷之主角,也是重新塑造空間的主要元素。
台東獨特的考古遺跡, 原住民的空間傳承, 海岸的地理特色及手感工藝均融入了設計發想。整體配置設計依著現有的大樹, 以矮牆圍成數個方場空間;在方場的邊界, 依臨街的狀況放入建築, 建物成了牆面的一部分, 大樹成為各方場的重要元素; 或獨據一角或形成邊界或串過空間。建築、大樹、矮牆形成一個完整的單元, 可獨自經營也可串成聚落。
建築物的空間設計主要為可彈性使用的多功能或餐廳空間,面對方場內與面對方場外有明顯的設計對比:對外封閉,為與矮牆同質感的粗曠木質牆,對內開放為大型落地窗及平靜的白牆。天氣晴朗的日子可將落地窗打開, 室內與室外聯成一體。
面對方場外側的牆面是表情豐富的主角,厚實粗曠的木質牆為一複層牆,在15cm厚的水泥牆外加上抽象的分割飾條後再崁入劈開的松木, 高低不一, 讓其自然風化成銀灰色,質樸而溫暖,抽象的圖案有如原住民的圖騰也呼應了東海岸岩石的紋理。牆上亦崁入了壁燈及戶外插座為市集及夜晚活動提供設備及電源且與設計融為一體