The answer to a divided city is one that not only solves building issues but social issues as well. The design consist of temporary and permanent entities that work together to exploit the destruction of hte city. Ths is acheived through a campus design which allows the decentrilization of the divided city. The designs function provides incentive to the opposeing sides through a result, which is restoration of the city as a whole. This proposal utalizes instant aiding techniques while working with current unification efforts to build the city and the community to ultimatly function withought conflict.
The program is designed to have three spaces working together to seve three types of people. The first is the Museum/ Tourist Center that is open to the public and is designed as an extension of the street, the second are multi - functioning satillite peices to the Museum, and the third is an Employment Center.
*Museum (Hub) : Encourages visitors to take advantage of the city by ensuring differnt recreational locations. This permanent structure works with moving satellites to map the reconstruction of the city.
*Hotel/ Satellites : This space serves as a basic need of shelter for crews to utilize for disaster response. This temporary morphing modular entity erects fast and is specific of the site it attaches to. When reconstruction is complete it returns tt he Hub creating a luxury addition to the hostel.
*Employment Center : Targets the local residents on both sides of the divided city. This is at first run by an outside disaster releif program but eventually is taken over by locals. Because the governments are also divided the main job of this program is to take proposals to rebuild sites and assign jobs to locals to rebuild. This also has an afterschool program to teach from a young age, a skill and tolerance.