Two exhibitions two years apart curated with photographer Alan Williams. The common theme was unseen, often unknown, London.
SubUrban explored spaces underground - reservoirs drained every decade, catacombs, service tunnels in the City, the chapel under the House of Commons.
The exhibition was held in the vaults of an abandoned Victorian brewery.
Upshot reversed the focus and explored the hidden spaces in the upper stories of the capital - Wren's magnificent stair in St Paul's, the view down from the Albert Hall dome, the rolls of English Law, handwritten even today on goatskin in the House of Lord's library.
Tying in with the theme, the photos were exhibited on the Lilian Baylis terrace at the National Theatre.
Printed at large scale and mounted on specially designed frames, they were clearly visible from Waterloo Bridge and the walk along the river.
To view all the photos, go to Alan's website: