Constriction is the compression, the elasticity of twisting the body of the building trying to fit in a small area, a long set of functions, a “rigid” environment and a desire to “hide” in the most transparent and open space. The water in the house, the garden, the lawns, the terraces, the sport, to look, far, the sky, the ground, under, in it, over, the sun, the shadow ̶ all these and many other things have become our tool for the work, which we called SPRING.
For a long time we have been interested in compressing the body when it concentrates maximum energy that has already been collected, compressed, but has not released outside yet and one can feel it all over the body. This is the energy of the possible, the future, it is an extension of time from today to tomorrow and spacement of time. This is the vitality of the building body, its architecture, i.e. not the elements themselves ̶ parts of the building, fragments, materials, constructions etc. ̶ rather the energy of their joint tension, work and the search for the boundary of the form. It is when the inner and outer, total and empty, twisting and dissolving have found ultimate states at a given point in space and in a given moment of time.
We introduce you only to the external part of the building and the internal public space.
“Stairs to heaven” take a special place in the house. This is the main vertical communication of the house. It starts from the main entrance to the house and then through the transparent gallery around the inner courtyard, you can get to the bridge arched over the surface of water, and further it spirals upward through the whole house. Vertical spring untwists horizontally on each floor. The sky is above you and the water is beneath.
The two lower levels are connected to the ground by additional entrances, terraces, patios located at different levels. Part of the building (personnel room) is buried in the ground around courtyard with overhead lighting.
Somewhere the building disconnects from the ground, shades recreation areas and entrances to the lower floors (library) and, thus, opens beautiful distant viewing points.
The roofs of the lower levels are used as recreation and sports areas.
The space of the library is cut with two glass prisms through which light and sun penetrate; and snow and rain passing through them fill the space with a vertical movement. The windows in the longitudinal walls are instant fragments of the external and internal. Like books, this space allows us to travel without borders, to make an ascent, to descend into the depths.
The upper platform of the cabinet with a beautiful distant view can be fenced off from the bustle of the house.
P.S. We did not invade private spaces of the house which are strung on the public zone both vertically and horizontally.
In this project, as well as in others, in addition to the basic idea of retaining the force of the spring, we have tried to work with such concepts as penetration, embedding, flaking, cutting, drilling, through viewing, touching, reflection, stratification of space and lighting.