project was to design a spa in bald eagle state park, close to the new hotel that
is being built. Spas are designed to incorporate the whole being: mind, body
and soul. This project intertwines three continuous spirals to form one building
as a singular entity. Each color is representative of mind (pink), body (green)
or soul (orange). Each spiral has different qualities representing each primary
three spirals intertwine around each other, forming a walkway in the center of
the spirals and also a hole in the center of the building. The hole in the
center of the building is used as an open aired swimming pool, open to the sky
in all seasons.
three components:
exercise rooms (to release stress in the mind); limited lighting (mind is
large pools as well as massage areas for physical enjoyment; brightest (body is
most public)Soul- saunas; least lighting
(soul is the most private)