Sonic Sofa was created for the interdisciplinary project “Sounds of Muggenhof – tuned city Nuremberg”. The aim of the project was to explore the area of the former AEG and Quelle with its abandoned industrial buildings, traffic arteries and existing workers housing estates in an acoustical way. Workshops and performative interventions in public space should help to analyse and understand the situation and to give some input to improve it sustainably. The people of the quarter should participate in this process. Sonic sofa is a multifunctional object. It’s at the same time urban furniture, transformer of urban sounds and acoustic oasis.
The best place for sonic sofa is near sound polluted and highly frequented streets and other places of bad noise. Sonic sofa is an effective transformer of bad noise into good noise, a kind of instrument playing traffic sound in an harmonical way.
The comb-shaped object is made of PVC drain pipes. The pipes are connected by elastic adhesive agent. They have a diameter of 100mm. Because of the different length of the pipes the volume of the comb is concave. People can sit inside, relax and listen. The pipes of different length convert the incoming noises and the listener receives a new quality of hearing urban sounds. The noise reflects inside the tube and is changed by resonation. A set of microphones and a mixer enable an instrumental improvisation, like playing an organ.