In response to Liverpool's well documented social problems in its decaying housing estates, which only enforces the already deteriorating national public image of the city (see disertation). A consideration of an alternative to the regimented and outdated terrace and council house of yesterday, creating a place in which pride can be held by its occupants.
To 'force' social interaction amongst the inhabitants through form, the dwellings can be accessed only through the internal courtyards, creating a 'den' effect, distorting the traditional family structure, where your neighbours become alsmost an extended family system. Also, the den creates safety, reducing the access points to the dwellings and increasing the overlooking into the shared access space. In the haxagon layouteach house not only has 6 direct neighbours (in its den), but also an additional 7 neighbours on its outer sides, again enforcing interaction.
The spaces between the dens are multi-use spaces, for pedestrians and cars togther. The layout by its very nature should ensure that cars will not be able to travel at speed, and also with no real definition between road surface and pedestrian surface, should create a self calming system.
This early haxagonal tessellation creates 73 units in the space, each of 6 dwellings, giving a total of 438 3 bed, DDA comp., high quality living spaces in place of an existing 1400 outdated 2up 2 downs. This is approx 32% of the original density, but includes for open spaces placed at intervals and generally an opportunity for a better quality of life.
Social Housing/Social People