The skate park was designed as a multi-generational Skate-Park by Matthias Bauer, former European skateboarding champion, and his architectural firm MBA / S planned on behalf of the city of Stuttgart.
The approximately 1,300 square meter facility is part of a multi-generational farm, with an adjacent soccer field, a volleyball court and a playground for small children. In addition more than 3,000 square lawns and meadows were created. The facility is located on the main pedestrian link between the future development area Rosensteinviertel and train project "Stuttgart 21".
At the building site formerly ran the railway station towards the Mainstation, Friedhofstrasse (Friedhoff Street) was a bridge. Among the grounds there is 15m high up spilled debris and rubble of war. Contaminated soil was disposed of and special arrangements for the foundation and drainage of skate parks were necessary.
The conceptual idea is to create a place where all three areas of modern skateboarding can meet inserted in an integrative concept, thus, a "multi-generational" Skate park for the youngest to the old- schoolers.