How to design a new iconic façade for the Pushkinsky, revamp it as a Moscow landmark, and at the same time be respectful of such a building? How to not “wrap” the Cinema in a brand new glittering shroud? We chose to simply juxtapose a new façade, yet not a “simple” one, to the building, whithout really hiding it. The new façade, we could call it a main Curtain or a SIPARIO, in a theatrical sense, is actually an active object that, by transforming itself, changes the appearance of the building accondingly to what happens inside it. So, depending on the time of day, the type of event or the movie on show, the façade mutates its appearance and functionality almost like, by using theater drapes and curtains, happens on a stage.Transformability obviously implies an aestetical tranformation: the Curtain becomes more transparent and at the same time more luminous when the cinema is open, so mainly after evening, revealing the translucent glass façade at its back and reaching its maximum visual imposingness during a grand soirée or a special event. The movement of the Curtain panels itself plays a “theatrical” role, a prologue-like event, putting on scene a small show and announcing the daily opening of the Pushkinsky.