"Beach home for two in the coastal town of Mindelo, Portugal. The house, referred to as the SilverWoodHouse, is also our debut architectural project. The space we shaped is open and bright and takes into consideration not only the natural surroundings of the house, but also the house’s inhabitants."
"Simply ... the SilverWoodHouse ... any attempt to adjectives falls short of the final experience of contemplation ... congratulations and thanks Ernesto"
These were the words of my clients Rui and Marisa when asked about SilverWoodHouse. I could not be more impressed by the answer, on my way to see the architecture. A challenge, an interpretation, a creation, by me, not for me, but for someone.
In my first big project and work, the anxiety of the final contemplation and live the power of the space, was huge. I live in it as a guest of course, but I was able to dive into the pool and lie down in the sun, a treat and an honor to take advantage and try my work. Yes, SilverWoodHouse, is my presentation to the world of design, architectural and constructive, my route in the course of a project / work, moves from its conception to its construction.