Looking at the new social media practices, it appears that intimacy doesn't exist anymore. But what happens while we die?How can we use or re-use all personal information lost on virtual networks in order to honor our beloved friends, to learn to know them better and to still be surprised discovering who people really are, even after death.MyDeath is a new social media. MyDeath is a virtual memoir. MyDeath is about your life.MyDeath allows you to remember.MyDeath is about sharing who you are.MyDeath can change your vision of death.A MyDeath profile is an
intimate diary, illustrated, growing with all informations we can
imagine, linked with friends/followers/family, delivering our last
wishes, our secrets, our lasts words, our memories, our stories, our
dreams, our "what do I want to do before? - list"... as our testaments,
passwords to our multiple virtual identities...A MyDeath profile transfers your informations into mobile application while you die, availables then by visiting your grave. Boston 2.0 is the touristic application of this new web interface, using social media and augmented reality. It proposes to transform virtually cemetery spaces into virtual museum, where visitor can learn about historic figures visualizing documents from the past directly into their mobile phone.Project proposed to the ShiftBoston Competition.