The definitive replanning of the areas inside the
area called Broletto 2 in Trieste, in the former port zone, is envisaged.
The area falls on Z3 zone of PRGC[Master Plan of Trieste], zone for
technological plants.
In said area (which includes the areas bounded on
the east by Via Caduti sul Lavoro, the projection of the new overhead – Grande Viabilità Triestina - on the South and by the railway station for
connection to the North) it is allowed to realize buildings for technological
plants and interrelated service structures such as deposits, warehouses,
offices and services related to the activity of Trieste Trasporti Spa. In this
area the building of new constructions, after the demolition of the existing
buildings, is allowed.
The area (Via Caduti del Lavoro) directly
connected to the Trieste Trasporti building is highly built-up nowadays. There
are buildings in a bad state of preservation for industrial use and
non-operational today: a big building once destined as the bridge and crane
workshop (former Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico, Cantiere S. Marco), and an
adjacent building constructed in 1948 already used as the factory worker's
cloakroom and canteen for the bridge and crane workshop.
The surrounding area is in a state of general
deterioration. The same is characterized
by an unhomogeneous plani-altimetric situation and characterized by
sinking in more parts. To the North of the fully fenced area, a bank covered by
wild short-stemmed vegetation and brushwood is present.
The project envisages the overall reassessment of
the area previous to the demolition of the
existing buildings. The building of a new small service building and the
arrangement of the external areas.
The new small service building guests the radio
centre, the surveillance, different rooms and offices for Trieste Trasporti's
executive activities, for the drivers, besides the sanitary services, cloakroom
and sanitary services for shift workers and for the external companies assigned
with cleaning the vehicles.
It is possible to enter the small building through
three entrances, one of them is fitted with
a ramp with less/equal to 8% inclination for the overcoming of
artchitectural barriers.
The building is characterized by architecture
typologically grasping the theme. It is covered with steel sheets of different
colours in its main blocks, joined according to the functions.
The small building can be entered directly from Via Caduti sul Lavoro. The
entrance/exit for buses is adjacent.
The excavation of 4.386,2 cu.m of earth (mostly
near the crossroads with Via d'Alviano) is envisaged to bring the square to the
same level and allow the building of 160 bus
stalls so divided:
-56 15,00 lin.m stalls;
-79 12,00 lin.m stalls;
-25 18,00 lin.m stalls.
The building of a washing plant and fuel supply is
also envisaged. The plant consists of 4 simple turn distributors of two of 50
cu.m tanks. The distributors are near the
AD-Blue supply plants (4 suppliers – pump + gun – served by two of 10 cu.m
From the passages along which the distributors are
situated you can approach 2 lines of 4 side scrubbers for bodywork washing; the
washing plant envisages water recirculation.
Adjacent to the fuel supply/vehicles washing
plant, the setting of a scissor electro-hydraulic lift for 18,00 lin.m buses (RAVAGLIONI RAV 718/I)
is envisaged.
Said plants are envisaged
covered, wind and rain sheltered, according to the planning charts.
The construction of a building intended to house a
warehouse/workshop for tool storage, sanitary service, battery and technical
room for car wash is envisaged to be next
to the above described plants.